Category: poster session details
2017 CCCC Undergraduate Researcher Poster Session – March 16
The 2017 Undergraduate Researcher Poster Session is scheduled for March 16th, 10:30 – 11:45 AM (during the A session). Join us to learn about the following presenters’ research projects: Claire Armann, University of Delaware, “Getting Disciplined: STEM vs Humanities Based Writing at a Flagship State University” Chelsea Brandwein and Erika Carlos, University of California –…
CCCC 2016 Undergraduate Researcher Poster Session on Thursday
The 2016 CCCC Undergraduate Researcher Poster Session will be held Thursday, April 7, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM, in the Hilton Ballroom of the Americas Prefunction, Level Two. Congratulations to our accepted presenters, and special thanks to Eli Review for supporting our presenters’ peer review of poster drafts.
2016 Undergraduate Researcher Poster Session
The 2016 CCCC Undergraduate Researcher Poster Session will be held Thursday, April 7, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM, in the Hilton Ballroom of the Americas Prefunction, Level Two. The Undergraduate Researchers presenting are: Dana Comi and Audrey Strohm, Whitworth University, Multimodality, Collaboration, and Postprocess Theory: An Undergraduate Inquiry (Mentor: John Pell) Jordan Craig, University of Wisconsin…
CCCC 2015 Poster Session – March 19
Risk and Reward: An Undergraduate Researcher Poster Session will be just inside the doors in the Action Hub (Tampa Convention Center Ballroom B). The posters will be up all day on Thursday, and the undergraduate researchers will be at their posters, eager to visit with you about their research, during the A session (10:30-11:45 AM).
Accepted Presenters for Risk and Reward: An Undergraduate Researcher Poster Session
Thank you to everyone who submitted proposals for this year’s undergraduate researcher poster session. Following an extended review process, we are pleased to announce the undergraduate researchers presenting at the 2015 Risk and Reward Poster Session at CCCC: Chelsea Begg, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Inside the National Writing Project: The Philosophy of Teacher Learning…
CCCC 2014 Undergraduate Poster Session – Thursday – Grand Ballroom Foyer
Open Access & Futures: An Undergraduate Researcher Poster Session will be held on Thursday, March 20th, in the Grand Ballroom Foyer in the JW Marriott. Students will be at their posters between the Opening Session and Session A (10:00-10:30 AM) and again between Session A and Session B (11:45 AM – 12:15 PM). Please come…
2014 Undergraduate Researcher Poster Session Presenters
The following undergraduate researchers were selected to present at the 2014 Poster Session are: Kristen Blagg, Transfer of Learning to STEM Disciplines: Perceptions of the Relevant of First-Year Writing for STEM Majors Georgiana Collins and Rachel Durrant, Embracing Difference and Individuality: Integrating Multiple Intelligence Theory in the Writing Center Tiara DeGuzman, An Experiment in Creative Writing Denae Dibrell, What’s…